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发表日期:2018-08-15 10:23:26浏览次数:463 标签:百度包年 网站优化 无锡百度包年 无锡网站优化 

The volume of a website determines the horizontal development of the site and the layout of long-tailed words, there is no right to speak without the volume.  Most websites experienced updates of 6.22 and 6.28, and those who had been demoted were also ranked higher. Throughout the current survival of the site and the right to be downgraded compared to the site, analysis of a few sites on Baidu included in the instability of several factors. Many webmasters are saying that it is more difficult to collect websites nowadays, especially new websites. Is that so? Is that so? In contrast to whether your website has such a situation, whether it needs to be adjusted.

Factor 1, the stability of space. Through several recent tests, the stability of website space is more and more important. As a long-term development of the site, to ensure the stability of the space needs to be in place once, choose a stable, cost-effective space, if you often change the space, the site is bound to include not too good volume, and will not have a good ranking effect. Because the search engine in the collection of our data is through IP disconnection + domain name to enter the library, if our IP changes that our site has been adjusted, we need to wait for a cycle of renewal.

Factor two, originality of content. Through the recent stage of search engine adjustment, whether it is popular folklore, or from the official statement of Baidu, pay more attention to the original content of the site, if it is blindly plagiarized content, it will certainly not have a good effect of the volume. Because there is so much duplication in databases today, we need to provide fresh blood, especially for new sites.

Factor three, website security. We may prefer the common CMS system in the establishment of websites, we need to consider the security of websites when choosing the common CMS system, because the program is used by all, vulnerabilities exist in common. We need to do a good job of website security and synchronization. If the site is hung Trojan horse or black links, or even use our site program as a source of attack, so that our site will be considered unsafe by search engines, not to give us a better collection and ranking, but will be blacklisted in the search results appear "unsafe sites".

Factor four, the frequency of updating the website. Maintaining websites is like raising children. When to eat and when to rest, you need a fixed schedule. Our website updates need to have a regularity, so that search engine crawling and visiting will be done regularly. Do not update too much a day, even if the original content, the site also has saturated, can not update too little, spiders will not eat enough.

因素五,其他原因。这次搜索引擎更新,有很多朋友,包括我自己的博客,收录量都在飘忽不定,一会一千多,一会二千多,作为一个原创的网站,更没有垃圾的外连接。理论上不会出现这样的情况,但可能由于 一些不可测原因也会导致我们的收录不稳定。
Factor five, other reasons. This search engine update, there are many friends, including my own blog, the volume is fluctuant, more than a thousand, more than two thousand, as an original site, not to mention garbage outside the connection. This is not likely to happen in theory, but it may also lead to instability due to some unpredictable reasons.

These are the 5 factors that cause my search engine to be unstable. Website content determines the weight of a site and whether it has long-term development, but also reflects the quality of the site.



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