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发表日期:2018-08-15 10:25:31浏览次数:448 标签:百度包年 网站优化 无锡百度包年 无锡网站优化 

About the new site or just after the revision of the site, often encounter such a situation: the site is only included in the home page, articles are included, but the search time presents the home page, not the article links inside the page, or the site snapshot never updated, these topics are webmasters usually protect the site when Will encounter the problem, then how we deal with Baidu does not include the website page title, Kedeng stationmaster told me about my experience.

First of all, reflect website keywords. Keyword is the norm that spider decides a website, also be to leave a website only after key word, a lot of stationmaster is very concerned about key word, such the easiest incur is the accumulation of website keyword. So when a website presents a topic, it is necessary to think of ways to deal with the topic. Stationmasters can use keyword tools to reflect on the density of keywords. Ordinary keyword density insists on 2% - 8% can be enough, especially in the title of the website do not present the situation of keyword accumulation.

Second, reflect on the quality of website. The blogger's website stopped making big changes in the early part of the time, changed the keywords and changed the template, which is a challenge for the spider. The website weight high station may not have too big disappear - interest, but the blogger also did not grasp, insisted on the original way every day, the originality of the way is basically the user to bring in, are to help me deal with some of the topics, there are also for the site package year to write some of the topics for me to deal with the method, Such articles are valuable to my users. Valuable ways are resources to search engines, and even more resources to users. So whether to deal with the quality of the article pages or the way the website works, pseudo-original things are not good for search engines.

Again: reflect the website chain. Actually, the reasons for finding the problems in the website package are not the reasons for these methods and the external chain. External chain is the soul of the site, the site is not included in the pages, spiders basically did not come to your site, spiders just searched your site, but did not put into the database, so the site does not include internal pages, webmasters want to absorb spiders to your site, external chain is the source of spiders included in the site, the place. It is very important to find a good external chain for the website. Stationmaster can write a few soft text to the site, the outer chain of these articles is very weak.

Also: reflect on website purchase links. Many webmasters in order to enable the website to have a good ranking. Buy links at a high price, these links, not necessarily very volatile links, the black chain of the wrist of the search engine will only be a fraud mode of package year, reflect on the volatility of the black chain, see if the link can present a dead chain, and the blogger here to mention - show me, really do the site package year is nothing No, don't be so panic-stricken, cheating means nothing to the search engine.

First: reflect the web server. This is a topic that cannot be changed in the course of the Web package year. This is something that must be done well before the site is launched. The volatility of the server indirectly affects the ranking of the site. Spiders crawl websites, often encounter a server to smoke scenery, such sites are rare to search engine viewing, it is difficult to pass the Baidu evaluation period. Inside the page is not included, to reflect on whether the server can fluctuate, to see whether spiders can crawl the site every day in an ordinary way. Host is best to use a separate IP, fast visits, server volatility stationmasters to think ahead.

The website does not fluctuate, Baidu only includes the home page, does not include the internal page is still a major topic, is the site's internal chain is not weak enough, the internal page package year did not do a good job. Many webmasters in order to improve the weight of the home page, the links in the website are basically the weight of the home page, so the weight of the home page is high, but the weight of the way is low, which is conducive to the collection of the site, so webmasters should establish weak links inside the page, so that spiders can search the way inside the home page. Website articles often mention the way of internal pages, which can also improve user experience.

Website pages are not included, stationmasters should not be too anxious, adhere to a good mentality, ordinary updates to the site, not excessive package year site, the site package year over the scene will also be very troublesome. Expect webmaster to do well in the collection of web pages.



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日期:2018-08-15 浏览次数:448