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发表日期:2018-08-15 11:10:05浏览次数:584 标签:百度包年 网站优化 无锡百度包年 无锡网站优化 

Hope you read this article, reflect on our industry or their Baidu Baonian direction, when a few years later, our next Baidu Baonian employees, know that our Baidu Baonian industry brilliant by our creation of this session. Baidu recently in 6-22, 8-20 and 9-22 have implemented major updates to the algorithm, I believe very much. Many stationmaster friends have been implicated, the author is unfortunate to experience the three major updates, the first group of all the sites were K, the second new site was K, the third included all K, only the home page, I have a question here, the first group of stations by K speechless, but the second and third are all in accordance with tradition  Optimize the direction, the article content more than half of the original, do outside the chain evenly distributed, but still can not escape the punishment by K.

From the three big updates of Baidu, we can see that it is imminent to change the direction of Baidu package year, before the optimization direction, from everyone slowly groping to basic optimization success, this model has gone through several years, with Baidu's algorithm has been updated again and again, the times are changing. We adhere to the set of optimization direction experience, obviously no longer suitable for today's Baidu algorithm, from the recent netizens have often raised, why my site with the weight of WWW is lower than without the weight of www, or even ranking, and some other phenomena can be seen, therefore, to change the direction of our Baidu package year, is imminent

Dear webmaster friends, are you still sticking to the rule?

今天笔者还在各大交流群或者论坛看到,当有新人询问如何更好的优化时,总有些人把之前的那套经验方向提出来,说的不好听点,误人子弟,把你自己那套墨守成规的优化方向教给那些新人站长,这样会照成整个百度包年行业都停滞不前,不是一个充满活力的行业,都是照搬经验和方向的机械化操作,相信大家也都知道,互联网在中国才兴起不久,基本的中流砥柱都是年轻人,我们的百度包年行业更是年轻人中的年轻人,我们要有年轻人的活力,要充满阳光和动力,不要按部就班,这样 百度包年行业才会健康而充满活力的发展,因此,需要创新,抛弃那些伪经验,敢于大胆的实践,适应最新的百度潮流
Today, I also see in major exchanges groups or forums, when new people ask how to better optimize, there are always some people put forward the previous set of experience direction, say bad point, mislead children, your own set of customary optimization direction to teach those new stationmaster, so that it will be the whole year of Baidu Bag trip. The industry is stagnant, not a vibrant industry, are copying the experience and direction of mechanized operation, I believe you all know that the Internet in China is not long before the rise of the basic mainstay are young people, our Baidu Baonian industry is young people, we want to have young people's vitality To be full of sunshine and motivation, do not follow a step by step, so that Baidu Baonian industry will be healthy and vigorous development, therefore, need to innovate, abandon those false experience, dare to boldly practice, to adapt to the latest Baidu trend

So what direction are we going to improve?

From the announcement of Baidu's webmaster platform and the latest implementation of the update results, we can see that Baidu intends to give us a reminder and guidance, let us focus on the user experience and website content originality optimization, let us bid farewell to the era of crazy outside the chain, crazy looking for outside the chain of resources and outside the chain of trading time Generation, you may as well look at their own spider crawling records, it is not difficult to see, spider crawling regularity reached a certain time, and will not increase with the crazy increase of your outer chain crawling records, nor with your outer chain crazy increase, no matter what articles are included, so we can see, the crazy set up of the outer chain. Baidu has been unable to collect any of your articles, of course, the appropriate external chain or a few, mainly the content of the original and user experience



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